Thursday, April 10, 2008

First Day

We're back at the hotel for a little bit so after I got cleaned up I thought I'd let everybody know what's going on.

We had our Rebuild today. I was on the gutting crew. We got to clear out a house for this really sweet old lady, Mrs. Ida. She was so nice and so grateful that we helped. It was hard work, the house was so dusty and it was so hot but I'm really glad I got to do it. It was definately a once in a lifetime experience and I'm really excited. Pictures will come later because I still have to get ready for tonight. We became official members of St. John's Church in the 7th Ward!

We're going to the Bayou Barn tonight and having dinner and listening to a Zydeco band. It's going to be really fun.

Each group got to help people and that's what's really cool about this whole thing. The day was tough but I definately would not trade this experience for anything. I'm sure everybody else feels the same.

More pictures will be put up tonight, I promise. Hopefully once the trip's over I'll be able take everybody's pictures and put them on a website so everybody can share everybody else's pictures.

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