Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Only a Week!

I can't believe that this time next week, we're going to be on a bus heading down to the Big Easy. Like everybody's been saying in the comments, it's unreal. We've been planning this thing for months and now it's finally here.

We're all talking about bus buddies and snacks for the ride. We really can't wait.

Since I'm not the only one who's going and it seems like people are actually reading this thing (though I can't imagine why), why don't you all comment about what you're most and least excited about for the trip. I'll start:

I'm really excited to go away for a few days with some of the best people ever. Seriously, the band geeks are, for the most part, awesome! I know we're going to have a lot of fun the whole time and none of us will ever forget it. And bonus: It's going to be like 80 degrees while we're there. That'll be a nice change from the below zero temperatures we've had here at home recently. Okay, maybe not below zero, but everybody I've talked to is super jealous that we'll be wearing shorts and t-shirts while they have to wear full arctic gear just to walk from their car to school.

I'm really not looking forward to being stuck on the bus for 25 hours. It's going to be a looooong time. And unbonus: I'm on Mr. A's bus. He's nuts if he thinks we're watching all the Rocky movies the whole trip. As somebody wisely said, silence is golden but duct tape is silver. I do remember my freshman year some very large, strong seniors (mainly Bill Todd, Andrew Shaffer, Andy Andrezjak, and Mike Kratochvil for those of you who remember them) attempting to take Mr. A down and failing miserably. Though Mr. A did end up with a bruised or broken rib if I remember correctly. That was interesting.

So now I turn this over to you. Share with the rest of us what you're eagerly anticipating or utterly loathing.

And also, I plan on going food shopping at some point this weekend. Leave me some ideas of what to bring for the bus!


Anonymous said...

One Week! I get so excited everytime I think about it and even more excited when I actually say it. Mmmm what am I looking forward to the most? Probably helping people out and getting a chance to do what people did for me 11 years. Also I'm sort of looking forward to the bus ride simply because I'm riding with really awesome people on the Junior/ Senior bus. All the people that I really want to hangout with on this trip are on the bus and I'm really excited and a little weary of what that's going to be like.

On the other hand I too am on Mr. A's bus. Mr. A can be awesome but well you know. I'm also not really looking forward to seeing all the destruction and sadness. It will be an interesting experience but none the less depressing.

God I wish this week would get over with! I can't wait to see what other people have to say!

Anonymous said...

I'm basically looking forward to visiting a place i've never ever been before, and celebrating my 18th birthday on the trip!!!!

Anonymous said...

Shirts came in this afternoon. They look fantastic! Great job Ian Boswell on the artwork. Great job Al Ross screening with the quality workmanship.
Friday will be wear your trip shirt day.
We have collected $18,600 as of 5:00 today. I'm sooooo blown away. part of me can't believe we broke $2,000 the other part wonders if we can get to $20,000 before Friday.
How about just rocky 1 and the last Rocky movie. We can skip the in between ones.

Nick May said...

How can you skip through the whole rocky series. First of all you wouldn't get to hear Eye of the Tiger, i love that song. You have time both ways for the whole series i say go for it.

Anonymous said...

If you plan on watching rocky on the freshman bus be my guest. However, six rocky movies is a smidge excessive. In fact, one rocky movie is excessive.

Nick May said...

lol, i guess your right, over 13 hours of a guy i can't understand i guess that is a little overboard